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Friday, January 31, 2014

Gianluca Ginoble, from Roseto to the Madison Square Garden

I have to confess, sometimes you don't pinch yourself to make sure you are not dreaming? 
It all happened quickly, in four to five years, the greedy and so you think you're dreaming of, for example, when we're on tour and see all those fans who are waiting in airports and outside the hotels. I often say to my father, but do you realize what happened and there? I believe, however, that he was a humble person, same as always, attached to family values.

The audience, fans, journalists. See all the exciting aspect of your experience success, money, luck of traveling the world and always come through the front door. But what are the things which are not seen and perhaps weigh too much? 
From outside it seems all roses and out, however, is difficult though ... I like it. When you feel tired in the evening and then have to get up at three in the morning because maybe you have to go get a plane, but ... I like it. It's because I'm young, I'm 18 maybe is a little more difficult to dad  (laughs). Do you think a day in the morning we woke up at 7 and we were in Orlando, Florida, more in the afternoon we went to Charlotte and evening in New York. Three cities in the United States in 12 hours. Or, another time in three days we wre in Los Angeles, Berlin and Miami ... It's not all rosy as it may seem, you are in a completely different world. But despite the difficulties, which do exist, and difficult aspects, I'm lucky, I have had the experiences that I made me grow quickly, a different life, I remain in a  country. I learned Spanish, English, everyday know new people ...

In June, you will have to face State test, a classical education, which means to study privately? And still have to study for his activities: singing, English, Spanish, listening to music, piano ... 
Look, I do not feel the difficulty, I can do everything very well, no problems. I wear them with a book and study. For now, thank God, nothing would be heavy and serious, I do what I like, and this is my passion since I was 8 I said I wanted to be a singer and it went well.

You met with important people in the world of music, from Tony Renis, Humberto Gatica and Michele Torpedo in Barabara Streisand, Eros Ramazzoti Placido Domingo. Who gave more, who has impressed you the most? But someone has disappointed? 
I'm a big fan of American lyric music most of all I was struck by Barbara Streisand, Domingo and one of the largest, a pillar of the opera, I listened with my grandfather, Ernesto, when I was little. But Barbara Streisand has not upset me. When I saw her in person I started to cry like a baby. I love American music, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Perry Como, Sammy Davis jr. Barbara and study them all and one of the most beautiful voices he falto the history of the American tradition, instead, at least so far, no one has disappointed me yet, thankfully.

For four years longer lives with Piero Barone and Ignazio Boschetto with his family. It's changing something in between you grow? Now you are an adult ... 
I do not doubt that I love the most to my family, it is obvious that things have changed, when we started this adventure, four years ago, we were little more than children. Of course, even in our relationship and have ups and downs, sometimes we discuss and perhaps not wrong, in order to grow professionally and personally, to improve, always. We still live like a dream situation, but this time in a somewhat 'different.

Think of something you write, as well as Italian and interpret ever green world? 
Yes, I wrote a song, with Ignazio, who helped me with the piano. To us it seems very nice, but now is not the time ... Of course, if we were able to write a new "go with you" evening different

Just in the days following Michael Buble gave a couple of concerts in Italy. Do you like him You follow him? And, above all, to its might be an interesting road for him? 
I had the good fortune to meet and make an interview with him in New York. Of course I do, one of the first producers Humberto Gatica Buble was that now produces us. On the other hand I worship Frank Sinatra to which he a big inspiration, and in general I appreciate the most beautiful voices, qualle of crooner Dean Martin, whose parents left from here, from Montesilvano, I'm changing the voice, I'm a baritone now, and it's also why I'm getting close to a lot of that kind of music.

Talk impeccably, but not a word ever escapes in Rosetano tight? 
Both me and Ignazio and Piero also we had to learn good English and Spanish. One night we were doing a 'interview in English in an American radio program. I was responding to the reporter but at some point I was not the word I had to say and I came up: dich ... Ignazio and Piero corrected me, and we had a laugh and we continued. But now they are, the Sicilians, who take lessons Abruzzese dialect and now speak Rosetano them too (laughs)

Source: lacitta , Paolo Di Vincenzo & arteabruzzo
Translation by Team Il Volo
Original copy: link

1 comment:

  1. So lovely to see this interview!

    Gianluca, I have to tell you that your 16 seconds of "Have I Told You Lately That I Love You" has me begging for more! I do hope you can record the entire song! I've listened to every artist with the song on iTunes, and Gianluca, your glorious voice simply transports me to such a smiling place of peace! None of the other recordings, including Elvis and Bublé come close to your rendition. See what you can do about recording it, Yes?

    Beautiful happy birthday to you, Gian, in just 11 days!
    ~ Jeanine DuBois, Compassion's Doorway




Piero Barone: Twitter | Instagram | Keek
Gianluca Ginoble: Twitter | Instagram | Keek
Ignazio Boschetto: Twitter | Instagram |


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